Friday, August 8, 2014

Time Keeps on Slippin'.....

I carved out some creative time recently. I need it for my sanity, to keep me on top of my game, and because I feel like I'm wasting some of the talents God's graced me with by not using them AT ALL.

So. Crafting or Blogging.

Monday, August 4, 2014

To Wear or Not to Wear : FLOR Striped Shift Dress

Next up in my Gwynnie Bee box was this cute number:

It's by FLOR and is a Striped Shift Dress. Going by the picture from the site, this is a total Leah dress. It's fun, it's casual, it's got arm coverage. I could wear it to church or to work. I could wear it to the pool. I was really excited to see it in my first shipment because it's one of the things I added that I might would have seriously considered trying on in a store.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Week in Review: July 27 - August 2

Week in review! Gonna try to do this every week. We'll see (if you've stalked me for very long you know that my lofty goals for this blog very rarely come to fruition).

Sunday - After a crazy week before, we took some down time to visit with a friend and then hung around the house all day. I watched like 6 movies on Netflix (ok just 4). AND I did laundry. Yeah is was a pretty amazing day.

Monday - Back to work for the LAST WEEK OF 10 HOUR DAYS (which are really 11 but who's counting? ME, THAT'S WHO!)

Tuesday - Meh. It was Tuesday.

Wednesday - Wednesday is always my favorite day of the week because it is Community Group day! I so look forward to seeing my peeps every week! And as an added bonus, my very first shipment from Gwynnie Bee arrived. It contained a dress so hideous I was hysterical trying it on, a dress so fancy I had to "force" Joe to take me out, and a dress that I am in love with but won't be keeping cause with 70% off and then 50% on top of that it's STILL $40 :((

Friday, August 1, 2014

To Wear or Not to Wear : IGIGI Aileen Dress in Kente Mix

I was a little worried about adding this dress by IGIGI to my Gwynnie Bee closet because the top, even in the picture, is so ridiculously low cut. But since the whole point of this adventure is to try out new things, and because it is one of the few things they offer in green, I decided to throw it in the closet and see what happened if it shipped to me.

I really liked this one! Joe commented that it was his favorite of the 3 and he thought it looked fabulous. That's quite a lot coming from him! I had to add a camisole because it was DREADFULLY too low cut and the stitching where the black joins the pattern at the waist is a tad funny, especially at the wrap around part, but other than that it was super cute! My main problem is going to be that it's too dressy to wear anywhere right now because it's summer and the office is on super casual dress at the moment (like gym shorts and tshirts super casual). I could wait until school starts back and wear it on open house or the first day, but that's still 3 weeks out and I want to try new things between now and then! I guess Joe will just have to take me on a date so I have an excuse to wear it ;)

To Wear or Not to Wear : FLOR Yellow Accent Shift Dress

So I got my first shipment from Gwynnie Bee in the mail. SO EXCITED!

I'm doing the free trial for 30 days and I chose the 3 item at a time plan (that I will so be downgrading when the FREE part is over) and here's what the box looked like when it arrived:

It arrived in a plain white box. The clothes were wrapped in purple tissue paper and sealed with a cute bee sticker. All 3 dresses were clean and didn't have any weird smells. One dress needs a quick pressing but considering it had just been shipped through the mail, I think that's excusable!

Here's the first item I tried - the Yellow Accent Shift Dress by FLOR.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Open Letter #??

I was going back through my drafts and found this hidden gem from 2011. I don't remember writing it, but it must have been a REALLY bad day. To my FHE peeps, you know I really do love you and don't mind you being in my office at all. Well most of the time anyway! :P

Dear 5 People in the Hall Outside My Office,

I'm working. You know, that thing YOU are probably supposed to be doing right now. Except you are waiting to see the Principal or Assistant Principal. Guess what? She's working too! Go away!

Anyway, since you are out there/in here, let me point out a few key things to you:

  • This is not the complaint department. I cannot solve all your problems.
  • It's hard to balance budgets and pay invoices when you are telling me about your scam to cheat someone's insurance out of money cause that girl hit you the other night with her daddy's car.
  • My office is really not that big. You can't all fit in here.
  • One of you needs more deodorant and someone else needs less cologne.
  • I am totally writing an open letter on my blog to you while I am halfway pretending to listen to you gripe because I certainly can't focus on my JOB right now.

You People are Going to Drive Me to Drink and it's Only 9:30am,
Your Trapped in her Office Secretary

My Latest Adventure

You know those too-good-to-be-true ads you see all the time on Facebook? And how after a while FB gets so good at predicting what you like that the ads start to slowly win you over?

Well I've been stalking out Gwynnie Bee for quite some time due to that. since I've recently lost about 20 pounds and none of my clothes fit any more, I'm in the predicament of needing to acquire new clothes because the old ones are VERY ill fitting but not wanting to invest money in anything other than basics because I'm not where I want to be shape wise yet. 

So since Gwynnie Bee offers a 30 day free trial, I really have nothing to lose. So I signed up.