Sunday, August 3, 2014

Week in Review: July 27 - August 2

Week in review! Gonna try to do this every week. We'll see (if you've stalked me for very long you know that my lofty goals for this blog very rarely come to fruition).

Sunday - After a crazy week before, we took some down time to visit with a friend and then hung around the house all day. I watched like 6 movies on Netflix (ok just 4). AND I did laundry. Yeah is was a pretty amazing day.

Monday - Back to work for the LAST WEEK OF 10 HOUR DAYS (which are really 11 but who's counting? ME, THAT'S WHO!)

Tuesday - Meh. It was Tuesday.

Wednesday - Wednesday is always my favorite day of the week because it is Community Group day! I so look forward to seeing my peeps every week! And as an added bonus, my very first shipment from Gwynnie Bee arrived. It contained a dress so hideous I was hysterical trying it on, a dress so fancy I had to "force" Joe to take me out, and a dress that I am in love with but won't be keeping cause with 70% off and then 50% on top of that it's STILL $40 :((

Thursday - Big meeting at the kids' school for Thomas - on the right track for his 8th grade year (answered prayer!)

Friday - Last Friday off for the 2014 summer. We had these huge plans to go to the pool and swim and play all day. But it rained. So instead Joe took me on a date to Cheddar's. We flipped a coin, it was either Cheddar's or Tavern 24. There was no way to lose, imo. Joe also went to a new doctor to figure out why he has had a pounding headache that has not stopped for over a month now. That's a whole separate post.

Saturday - The kids got to go to "field day" with the youth group. They played out in a backyard while getting to know the other kids better. They begged me in the car not to leave them, then ran off as soon as they got there. I couldn't even catch their attention long enough to say bye! Hrmph. So I took Steven's trumpet to the shop to send it off for maintenance. 2 weeks. He's elated because that's 2 weeks he doesn't have to practice. I'm all "2 weeks?! That's cutting it close to pep band rehearsal time!!!"

So that's our week! Tune in next week, when maybe I'll post what we had to eat or what kind of shampoo I end up buying!

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