Monday, March 12, 2012

Weekend Quilt Warrior

So I made block #7 of the Sew. Happy. Quilt. QAL this weekend. I really wish I had found this when the others started because I am not finding it hard AT ALL to keep up the block a week pace like I thought I would. This week's block was the Flying Geese pattern. The astute quilters out there will notice that my triangles don't exactly line up like they are supposed to, but I don't really care. This is my first quilt EVER and I am really quite amazed that I seem to be halfway decent at it. I think it's probably that Jenna's instructions are so easy to follow, but we'll just call it awesome skills on my part. (HAH!)

I've also been doing a Pleated Boxes Pillow sewalong that you can find over at Craft Buds. It doesn't require a lot of time, so my sewing stalkers (friends?) who have 3-4 hours and some scraps laying around should give it a go! It doesn't end until March 23rd and you might be a prize winner! And even if you aren't, you'll have a super cute pillow to show for it. Seriously, some of you who are actual sew-ers could probably knock it out during naptime one afternoon. (How do you spell sew-ers without it coming out sewers?) Anyway, here's my pillow front. I'll post another picture when I get it completed (probably this coming weekend).
I cannot WAIT to finish this and put it on my couch!!!
So what did YOU do this weekend?

Monday, March 5, 2012

Red Light, Green Light

For those of you who have no clue what I am talking about, you can find out more about Schizoaffective Disorder here and ECT here Or Google them.

If you had to take a guess as to what question I get asked most frequently is, what would you think? And no, "how are you" and other generic pleasantries don't count.

If you guessed "How is Joe doing?", you win the prize! (The prize is the satisfaction of being right. Hey, I'm cheap, I'm not giving you a REAL prize!)

I'm not going to go into the whole back story right now (though I probably will blog about it at some point). Since my stats tell me I have quite a few stalkers out there now (Hi everyone!!), writing a blog post is probably the fastest way to update everyone all at once.

Most (some?) of you know that Joe, my husband, is disabled. He suffers from schizoaffective disorder. Click the link at the beginning of the post if you want more info about it.

For some time now, medication therapy has not been working. We've done it all. Well I'm sure we missed a particular drug or two, but we've pretty well hit every combination of every category of drug approved for the treatment of mental illness (and a few that were not!) to no avail. About 3 years ago, the doctors started bringing up a treatment called Electroconvulsive Therapy, or ECT.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

When quilting goes wrong...

So here's the thing. I followed the pattern! I swear I did! Well, I thought I did. But apparently, I cut the pieces out backward. Can we call it a ninja star?

Is that....a....oh. Crap.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Macrame Cords

I saw these cute earbuds wrapped in embroidery floss on Pinterest and found a link to a blog that clearly shows how to make them via a GREAT tutorial that even includes video! So I made some.
Totally cute, right? AND it keeps them from tying themselves in knots in my purse!
Then I made another one.
The Kindle is totally rocking out in style now!

Then I decided to wrap the power and A/V cords for all the different electronics in coordinating colors so I would always know which cords went to the Wii, which to the computer, etc. Yeah, I went overboard. Big surprise, I know.

I'm using yarn for the bigger cords because a) it's cheaper than 5 billion skeins of floss it would take and b) I didn't want to be tying little bitty knots for all eternity (even though that's how it feels!). Oh and c) I have a ton of yarn from my yet-to-be-completed project of teaching myself to knit and/or crochet. I'll do another post when I get them done so you can ooh and aah over them.